You have a demanding job, a busy social life and family responsibilities. You set targets and you achieve results. You take your responsibilities very seriously.  Whether it is in professional, financial or social matters, you are always running to keep up.

Your schedule is overbooked. The pressure is building up. You might feel like you are on the verge of drowning but you cannot stop. This may take a long time, but this takes its toll. How to prevent a collapse and restore a balance?

Burnout. Physical exhaustion, listlessness, feelings of emptiness and utter dissatisfaction – burnout can take many forms. It brings confusion, mixed feelings and isolation.
How come I ran out of steam? How could I have prevented it? What went wrong? These questions and feelings require attention.

Stress and burnout can have various causes, such as faltering defence mechanisms or unresolved inner conflicts. All these can cause us to lose balance and overextend ourselves.

Professional support can help you to achieve the following:

  • relieve fatigue, memory loss
  • regain concentration
  • deal with emotional burden
  • investigate the causes on a deeper level of your personality
  • regain confidence
  • find new resources to cope with pressure in future.

You can find new patterns and solutions to the challenges of life and career.

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